Sunday, June 29, 2008

Remember the '90s?

Kids these days have nothing on us who grew up in the '90s. So what if they have their PSPs and Nintendos? So what if they had Xbox and broadband internet?

We had:

1. The slinky

Remember tossing it down the stairs, the see-saw, any inclined surfaces? I used to spend hours untangling the coils from a hastily kept slinky.

They came in all colours and sizes, from the plain metallic ones to rainbow striped ones. Definitely one of my favourite toys when I was a little kid. (:

2. Tetris

Remember how cool it was that Tetris came on a hand-held console? Way before we had Gameboy Colour/Advanced, we had the huge Tetris console with its tinny music.

3. Hopscotch

Racing out to find a patch of empty cement during recess, and drawing on a hopscotch template with chalk stolen from the classroom. Also, tossing your wallet or coin pouch on a different square every time you advance a level.

4. Pinky and the Brain

One is a genius, the other's insane!

Is it insane that I can remember the theme song after all these years?

5. Goosebumps

Remember buying the entire collection of Goosebumps and getting freaked out by them? Then there was the book where you could choose what you wanted to do at the end of very page... only your character usually ended up trapped as a giant chicken prematurely, so you cheated and marked each page before you went on, making it easy to backtrack.

6. LDs

Remember renting cartoons every Friday, on gigantic LDs? They came in a cardboard slip, with huge pictures of Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny.

7. Floppy hair

Falling in love with guys with floppy hair was all the rage. Ben A1, Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys, Kian from Westlife...

8. Ring pops

The best candy ever! Had to save up for days with my 50-cent allowance before being able to get one.

9. Ice pops

Remember sharing an ice pop with a friend, snapping it off in the middle while the syrup dripped out and made your hands sticky, because even 10 cents was extravagant back then?

10. Stick-on earrings

Buying strips and strips of these, so you could change them every day. And being so vain that instead of having just one pair, you'd have 3, even sticking them on your hands and face.

11. Cassettes

Remember cassettes? The predecessor to CDs and MP3s? And also,

11. Walkman

Which was the height of technology back in those days.

12. Troll dolls

Remember the proliferation of these kids? Keychains, erasers, figureheads for pencils... aw I miss those colourful little things.

13. Magic School Bus

The cartoon that made you wish you had a teacher like Ms. Frizzle. Also an educational cartoon, which is nothing like what the cartoons these days are like.

Remember also buying into the Magic School Bus hype, with their bags and pencil cases and plastic lunchboxes? (:

14. When Microsoft still looked like this

Ah, I grew up using Windows 3.1! Every time I turned on the computer (a massive, prehistoric machine) I had to type "C:\" commands to access any programs.

15. Five stones

Remember sewing your own five stones from scrap cloth and green beans? There were about 5 million levels to this game, none of which except the first 3 I could remember.

16. Home Alone

Remember when Home Alone was the movie? You actually wished your parents would abandon you so you could have an adventure of your own.

17. Power Rangers

Back when the series wasn't so lame yet. I would spend large amounts of time discussing the merits of both the Yellow and Pink Ranger (who usually won out by dint of her nicer costume, and who I wanted to be when I grew up).

18. Water pistols

Before things got too complicated, we had these tiny plastic water pistols. Super fun at birthday parties.

19. Mister Men and Little Miss

Remember the days when they weren't yet considered vintage? *grumble*

20. Captain Planet

Whom the vintage craze completely skipped. ):

21. Enid Blyton books

This generation seems to have missed out on the gems that are Enid Blyton books. Secret clubhouses with passwords, mystery-solving, fantasy worlds, golliwogs (that don't seem to be featured anywhere else but here, so this generation will grow up not knowing about them)...

Oh, I can come up with plenty more things from the good old '90s... but you tell me what your favourite memories are! (:

(P.S. If you have any of the above items, short of Kian, Nick and Ben, and are willing to sell, please let me know!)


andi said...

Oh, those tidbits which came with those little freebies inside! I love eating them because there's a kick to opening the packet of freebie to see what you've got! Cheap thrills la! Haha!

Sarah said...

Haha true true! Rifling through the chips to find that elusive, oily toy. Heh.

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

OH YES ANIMORPHS!!! I can't believe I forgot them! I have the entire series from Megamorphs to the Chronicles, and I secretly had a crush on Marco. Still read the books now and then. (:

Agagooga said...

Kids these days still read Enid Blyton, but the covers have been jazzed up. Quite disgusting and incongruent.

Mister Men and Little Miss were on many T-shirts a few months ago.

Who cares about water pistols? SUPER SOAKER was the way to go!

I still watch Power Rangers ;)

I still see kids eating Ice Pops.

And there were Nintendos in the 90s! Just that we were playing Mario (non-3D) on them...

Anonymous said...

playgrounds filled with sand. we could just pretend we were at the seaside. now it's all linbes with foam :(

Anonymous said...

As far as cartoon goes, The quality are better in the past.The cartoon now look like the artists don't care to draw properly lazlo etc.
Japanese and misc:- Captain Tsubasa, Ranma1/2, Dragonballz, The first Pokemon(pallet town one),Dragon warrior(enix) , Transformers, astroboy

Warner:- Tiny toon, Animaniacs (pinky and brain came from this), Freakzoid, Ren from pirates of darkwater, Sam and Max(spawn the adventure game), Mighty Max(mini adventure toys)

Adapt from movie and games: Batman, Spiderman, Xmen ,Superman, Gargoyle, Mario (with yoshi spinoff),Sonic,Back to the future,Bill and Ted most excellent adventure, Mega Man.

Disney:- Tail spin(big bear always called bloo), Darkwing Duck +launch pad, Goof troop,Aladdin (aka every animated movie by disney)

ee said...

Classic cartoons:
Kimba the White Lion
Starla and the Jewel Riders
Mighty Mouse
Tom and Jerry (also, Tom and Jerry Kids)
Popeye (the 5-minute fillers)
Little Lulu (also 5-minute fillers)

I'm pretty sure I still have lots of Power Rangers (original) things somewhere. I bought the box file, the electronic game where you can swipe barcode cards to use different rangers...

I also had a hundred or so Captain Planet cards - it has a picture and some short story snippets on the back. Can't remember if I've thrown them out already though :(

Agagooga said...

Erm actually in the mid-late 90s, cartoons were already sloppily drawn.

Ah, for the 60s!

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon you're not that old. PSPs, Nintendos (company created way back in the 19th Century, game consoles coming in the 70's), broadband internet and the XBox are still part of your generation though you might not be using all of that.

Ivan said...

30 minutes' worth of opening sequences from '90s cartoons:

Sarah said...

agagooga: Yikes, as you can tell i'm not too observant -- have not seen ice pops, Enid Blyton books, or Power Rangers around. Heh. As for Mister Men and Little Miss tees, meh, mass individualism.

just another guy: I guess kids these days will never know of scraped knees and grit between their teeth. :(

onlooker: I don't know about the quality, but I thought the plots tended to be better back in the days. Of course, it could be because I appreciated cartoons then, not so much now.

ee: Those stuff you have would be really valuable! Sigh, if only I had the same foresight you have.

anonymous: Haha, not that old, but certainly not that observant or tech-savvy either. Thought the hand-held console that people are always jabbing at with a stylus was a Nintendo -- now I know it's a Nintendo DS, something I didn't have growing up.

And we had broadband? Dang, I must have been one of the unfortunate kids who didn't, and who had to wait 5 minutes for each page to load.

ivan: AW THANKS SO MUCH FOR THAT! I watched everything at a go, it was fantastic seeing all those familiar characters. (:

Anonymous said...

You probably were.

Anonymous said...

one more thing that defines the 90's


dilutedmagnetics said...

The kids in my girl's kindergarten still think the Power Rangers rock. The rest of the things on your list - they wouldn't have heard of. LOL!

Illicitus said...

For the girls

Polly Pocket!! The new ones now are hardly pocket size.

My Little Pony!



Gem and the Holograms!

I miss the original Nestle Paddlepop rainbow ice cream. The new one just isn't the same.

Illicitus said...

Also, the old mario brothers games and the old Sonic the hedgehog games.

Anonymous said...

don't forget the Back to the Future movie trilogy!

Anonymous said...

RIGHT ON MAN! Those antiques you put up handed me a nostalgic feeling, every one. hahaa.. I remembered sticky-fingering a few story books from my primary school library (Goosebumps,Peter&Jane..etc)
Guess what... I STILL HAVE'EM!

Anonymous said...

Yeah ,I agree that the plots (esp Disney and warner bro movie spinoff) are way better in the past. :)
Oh, I forgot to mention Teletubbies (dinky winky,lala,green one ,po) and Barney.

Agagooga said...

Thundercats are for girls meh?!

Back to the Future was made in the 80s. But they showed it here in the 90s. Hah. Behind the times as always

Anonymous said...

You mean the many repeats on TVs is it? I saw Back to the Future I and II in the cinema in the 80s.

Anonymous said...

ninja turtle, and those little fruit jellys n party pack chocolates that were packed in flower print plastic sheets 2 be given 2 classmates on your birthday.

Anonymous said...

you need a time machine.

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Anonymous said...

Let me just throw in one more thing: classic Sonic the Hedgehog.

Who won't forget the times when Sonic the Hedgehog 1/2/3/and Knuckles and the MegaDrive were all the rage? I still have my Sonic 2 cartidge with me, as well as a few of the toys I had back then.

And also, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (or AoSTH for short). I still remember enjoying that cartoon back when I was in primary school. The most memorable part was the Sonic Sez segments at the end - I still remember a particular one about healthy eating to this day!

Anonymous said...

If you remembered Ring pops, then how come you forgot the.....PUSH POP!!!???

Push your push pop~ Push your push pop~

Also, we had alot of nice HK movies with actors like Stephen Chow, Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung, etc. We also had the 4 Heavenly Kings - Andy Lau, Leon Lai, Jacky Cheung, oh shit I forgot the 4th one...

Now they suck. They were at their peak during the 90s.

Anonymous said...

How bout Tintin? I think i must have read almost every one of those comic books... I remember checking my school library again and again to see if that darn person has returned the book i wanted yet...

Anonymous said...

What about those books that will display 'moving' characters when you flipped through the edges of pages quickly?

Also, there r those Super Mario adventure books! Where one can upgrade in levels simply by making decisions and flipping to the directed pages, and it's possible to have many different storylines when reading thru a single book!


Agagooga said...

Those are gamebooks in general, not just Super Mario adventure books

Lone Wolf, Fighting Fantasy, Blood Sword...