Monday, August 18, 2008

My professor is a bit longwinded:

"For example, in a paper-making factory -- you know, the process of chopping trees, grinding the wood, wetting it, drying it, trying to make paper -- in a paper-making factory, try to imagine mechanical feelers across the width of the paper roll. Because you know they roll the paper up, roll it up into reams and reams, and the width is very large. So imagine mechanical feelers across the width of the roll -- and the width is very large -- mechanical feelers across the width, and they pick up humidity, temperature, things like that. These feelers, they pick up things like humidity at that specific area on the roll, and as I said just now, the width of the roll is very large, and so you imagine these feelers across the entire width, telling you if the humidity is too high or too low, or telling you if the temperature is too high or too low."

He also likes to display his range of vocabulary:

"Different types of products, different kinds of products, we have to understand that, appreciate that, no matter how it's laid out, arranged, how it's laid out on the ground we want to appreciate that, understand that."

I almost died in lecture today.


Anonymous said...

lol yr professor is hilarious.

Sarah said...

haha i found it hard to see the humour when i was actually in the lecture. think that may have to do with the fact that i was screaming on the inside.

Anonymous said...

understandably. =X err, what does yr professor specialize in?

Sarah said...

without being too specific, a facet of business management.